Delivering value through open online mapping systems

KGIS is a one man project run by myself (Rafe Roughton). As long time enthusiast of maps, both modern and historic, as well as land ownership and rights of way, I noticed the significant death of mapping projects online. The government publishing fantastic datasets which need to be layered upon a map. 

Having come from a background with little knowledge of programming, let alone GIS systems, I am always determined to work out how to solve a problem and come up with a marketable project which is of use. Unclaimed Land, a site mapping out unregistered land, was my first project under KGIS which launched in December 2023.

Utilising the powerful infrastructure that underpins the project, KGIS is in the process of launching Rights of Way UK. Rights of Way UK aims to break down all barriers for users looking for Rights of Way mapping data. Despite the public datasets, market leading mapping products such as Google or Open Street Maps do not integrate the datasets and often do not offer any form of Rights of Way mapping. KGIS will change this – with our basic product offered free of charge from the onset.

Working with KGIS

We are always looking to add further features to our existing projects or launching new GIS mapping services. If you have any criticisms or suggestions we would love to hear so please get in touch.

Building, and maintaining, the GIS mapping projects takes enormous skill. GIS is a very high value skill with businesses generally spending significant quantities to launch and maintain their GIS systems. Utilising our existing knowledge, we can work with organisations requiring GIS services creating, or maintaining, high quality programmes. If your organisation would be interested in working with us, please send us a message with an overview of your project and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible with a proposal.